Exportation of reef fish for human consumption: long-term analysis using data from Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil


  • Francisca Edna de Andrade CUNHA Professor adjunto I da Universidade Federal do Piauí­­
  • Roberto Aurélio Almeida de CARVALHO Professor efetivo do Instituto Federal de Educação Tecnológica do Rio Grande do Norte
  • Maria Elisabeth de ARAÚJO Professor Titular do Departamento de Oceanografia da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9747-092X


fishes, food, fisheries, stocks exploitation, Brazilian Northeast


Marine fisheries constitute a major economic activity. Several species of fish have recently been added to the list of exploited stocks, including reef-dwelling species traded on international markets. The aim of the present study was to outline a profile of local fisheries in terms of species caught, weights exports and import markets, using data obtained from firms operating in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Over the period covered by the study (1996-2008), 3,335.49 metric tons of fish belonging to 32 species (16 genera, 10 families) caught from 7,377 shipped lots for export. The most abundant families were Lutjanidae (36.77%), Scaridae (21.06%), Serranidae (20.57%), Mullidae (12.73%) and Acanthuridae (8.64%). Most of the production was air-shipped fresh to importers in the United States.


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