(Evaluation of spermatozoa concentrations by spectrophotometric method of rainbow trout, Salmo irideus Gibbons, sêmen.)


  • Washington FOGLI DA SILVEIRA Pesquisador Cientí­­ficos - Seção de Biologia Aquática - Instituto de Pesca (SP)
  • Emico Tahira KAVAMOTO Pesquisador Cientí­­ficos - Seção de Biologia Aquática - Instituto de Pesca (SP)
  • Marcos Guilherme RIGOLINO Pesquisador Cientí­­ficos - Estação de Salmonicultura - Instituto de Pesca (SP)
  • Yara Aiko TABATA Pesquisador Cientí­­ficos - Estação de Salmonicultura - Instituto de Pesca (SP) http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6528-0416




With the objective to simplify the evaluation of spermatozoa concentration, 116 sperm samples of rainbow trout, Salmo irideus Gibbons, were analyzed by the spectrophotometric method. The percentage of transmittance was related with hemocytometer count of spermatozoa per mm3 (Neubauer Improved). The regression equation and the correlation coefficients were found to be: Y = 33.80 - 0.33 X, r = -0.88* and Y = 36.17-0.35 X, r = -0.89* for wavelengths 410 mµ and 525 mµ respectively, where Y represents the spermatozoa concentration per mm³ and X, the percentage of transmittance. The average values of transmittance were 52.82% and 56.89% for, respectively, the two wavelengths above and the hemocytometer count average was 16.48 X 106 spermatozoa per mm³.

