Fecundity and morphometry of Achelous spinimanus caught on the coast of São Paulo state, Brazil


  • Bruno Paes DE-CARLI Acervo Zoológico da Universidade Santa Cec-­­lia (AZUSC-UNISANTA) http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0836-1244
  • Evandro SEVERINO-RODRIGUES Núcleo de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento do Centro APTA do Pescado Marinho do Instituto de Pesca http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7034-9641
  • Matheus Marcos ROTUNDO Acervo Zoológico da Universidade Santa Cec-­­lia (AZUSC-UNISANTA) / Programa de Pós-Graduação em Aquicultura e Pesca do Instituto de Pesca
  • Joelson MUSIELLO-FERNANDES Programa de Pós-Graduação em Aquicultura e Pesca do Instituto de Pesca / Núcleo de Atividades Ambientais (NATIVA) http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6609-4474
  • Mirela Caleffi ANCONA Núcleo de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento do Centro APTA do Pescado Marinho do Instituto de Pesca


blotched swimming crab, morphometric relationships, reproduction


This study provides a description of relative growth and fecundity of a population of Achelous spinimanus. Samples were collected monthly between August/2010 and July/2011 from landings of the pair trawls fleet on the coast of São Paulo state. Crabs were measured with precision caliper and the fresh weight of each individual were recorded using a precision scale. Morphometric relationships were adjusted to a power function (y = a xb) and the regression coefficients determined for each category. Males showed a positive allometric growth for chelar propodus (b = 1.34) and females showed positive allometry for abdomen width (b = 1.12). The value of fecundity ranged from 165,750 to 1,058,500 eggs (556,750 ± 212,256), and increase according to the size of females was verified. Due to same observed evidences, such as constant occurrence of ovigerous females and predominance of adults, it is possible that the species is living in the area for reproduction. It should be emphasize the need for further studies to demonstrate other aspects of the exploited population.


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