Structural modifications on fishing gears of shrimp trawls: perceptions of the fishermen and implications in management on a marine protected area
co-management, ecosystem approach, reduction devices-BRD, bycatch, Santa Catarina-BrazilAbstract
This paper comprises an analysis on fisher’s perceptions about using bycatch modification devices (BRD) as fishery management tools in a south Brazilian Marine Protected Area. Data collection included demonstration hauls with medium-sized trawling fishers (over 45HP), workshops and interviews about perceptions on fishery dynamics and BRD efficiency. Workshops encompassed a participatory analysis on BRDs’ performance and potential and constraints for adopting them. Fishers agreed on BRD performance results as well as to continue research and knowledge sharing to improve juvenile fishes and shrimp in bycatch. Otherwise, negative perceptions on reducing bycatch for sale and consumption were considered constraints and challenged fisheries management strategies. Despite perceived constraints, participatory approach was a conduit for using BRD as "triggers†for continued collaboration to improve fishery management performance, to foster institutional learning and fisher’s engagement to promote responsible small-scale fisheries. Experience can work as pilot site for future research and management in other MPA.
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