The industrial pelagic longline fishery from Rio Grande do Norte State, NE Brazil




fishing, tunas, CPUE, expor, costs


Rio Grande do Norte (RN) was the main Brazilian exporter of tunas and other species of fish during the period from 2006 to 2016, generating food, employment and income, due to its proximity to the migratory routes of these fishes. In the attempt to better understand the dynamic and the composition of the fleet’s captures that operates with pelagic longline in the Southwestern Equatorial Atlantic and based in RN, their landings data were analyzed between 2006 and 2014. Nearly 80% of the catch by weight was composed of only four species, being 34.1% Thunnus albacares, 30.8% Xiphias gladius, 8.8% Prionace glauca and 6.8% Thunnus obesus. The expenses with crew, fuel, bait and fishing gear represented 65% of the total. Of the total exported by Brazil, the RN was responsible for exporting approximately 77% fresh and 26% frozen T. albacares, 92% fresh and 90% frozen T. obesus, and 55% fresh and 95% frozen X. gladius. This study provided information that should be taken into account for the sustainability of tuna fishing caught by the Potiguar fleet.


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