(Environmental factors related to distribution and abundance of marine catfish ( Osteich- thyes, Ariidae) in the lagoon- estuarine complexo f Cananéia (25º S, 48º W)


  • Motoi MISHIMA Biologista - Seção de Biologia Pesqueira - Divisão Pesca Marí­­tima - Instituto de pesca
  • Shitiro TANJI Biologista - Seção de Biologia Pesqueira - Divisão Pesca Marí­­tima - Instituto de pesca




The marine catfish of the lagoon-estuarine complex of Cananéia could be divided in two groups, according to their tolerance to water salinity: Arius spixii, Genidens genidens and Sciadeichthys 1uniscutis, which live in a wide range of about 0% to 33%, while young fishes of Netuma barba, Bagre marinus and Bagre bagre are adapted between 10% and 33%. Arius spixii and Sciadeichthys luniscutis ocurred predominantly in the chanel, and a high occurrence of young Netuma barba and Genidens genidens was observed at shallow waters. The catching peak of catfish was verified at the beginning of high tide. During the spawning season, Arius spixii was found in compacts shoals. Young catfish showed preference by the adjacent areas of the river mouth of drainage and near to Cananéia city.

