Artisan swimming crabs fishery (Crustacea, Decapoda, Portunidae) in the estuary of Santos and São Vicente, São Paulo State, Brazil


  • Evandro SEVERINO-RODRIGUES Pesquisador Cientí­­fico, Doutor, Núcleo de Pesca, PEPM, Instituto de Pesca, Apta, S.A.A
  • José Benevides PITA Biólogo, aposentado
  • Roberto da GRAÇA-LOPES Pesquisador Cientí­­fico, Doutor, Núcleo de Pesca, PEPM, Instituto de Pesca, Apta, S.A.A.


swimming crab, Callinectes, artisan fishery, estuary, fishing technique, fishery biology


A study of the production of artisan fishery for swimming crabs in the estuary of Santos and São Vicente, State of São Paulo, Brazil, between 1987 and 1994, was conducted. The study describes the fishing technique, exploitation and rejection sizes, and percent composition by species, sex, and maturity stage. The intense decrease of the production is discussed and related not to predatory fisheries or overfishing, but to the severe environmental degradation to which the estuary has been submitted.



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