Fishing activity at São Paulo State: Analysis of the bottom longline catches from 1998 to 1999


  • Antônio Olinto ÁVILA-DA-SILVA Pesquisador Cientí­­fico -  Polo Especializado D. T. A. do Pescado Marinho -  Instituto de Pesca -  S.A.A
  • Gastão César Cyrino BASTOS Pesquisador Cientí­­fico -  Polo Especializado D. T. A. do Pescado Marinho -  Instituto de Pesca -  S.A.A
  • Sergio Luiz dos Santos TUTUI Pesquisador Cientí­­fico -  Polo Especializado D. T. A. do Pescado Marinho -  Instituto de Pesca -  S.A.A


bottom long-line, demersal fishing, fisheries technology, southeastern Brazil


The bottom longline fishery, using steel main cable driven by hydraulic winch, was introduced in 1994 in southeastern Brazil, during the exploratory fishing cruises of R.V. Orion, of the Instituto de Pesca. The commercial fishing fleet adopted the technique, spreading it to the southeastern and southern regions of Brazil. Wooden boats, measuring between 15 and 23.6 m and powered by 150 to 335 HP, compose most of the commercial fleet based at the cities of Santos and Guarujá, in the State of São Paulo. The fishing gear consists of a steel main cable up to 7 nautical miles long, with 1,000 to 2,000 branch lines with circle hooks baited with squid and fish. Many of the operation characteristics vary according to depth and the target species. The main target species are groupers (Epinephelus spp.), wreckfish (Polyprion americanus), tilefish (Lopholatilus villarii) and, more recently, marine catfish (Netuma barba) and croaker (Micropogonias furnieri).


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