The effect of different low salinity levels on Artemia sp. nauplii survival
Artemia sp, salinity, survival, post-larvae, larvicultureAbstract
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the survival of Artemia sp. nauplii submitted to different salt concentrations. Four treatments were tested - T1: 0‰; T2: 1.7‰; T3: 3.3‰; T4: 5‰. Artemia sp. nauplii were stocked in a density of 10.32 nauplii/mL in 1 liter aquarium with constant aeration during 36 hours. The culture water was salinized with not iodized sodium chloride (NaCl). The regression analysis showed that the survival rate decreased during the experiment in all tested salinities (P < 0.05), but it was more evident at 0‰. The obtained results show a short survival period of Artemia sp. nauplii when submitted to fresh water, and that a slight increase in the water salinity can extend the life time of these individuals.
Pesca, São Paulo, 13(1): 17-29.
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