(Relation between standard lenght/weght and pelvic fin lenght of marine catfish (Osteichthyes, Ariidae) in the lagoon stuarine complexo of Cananéia, 25ºS, 48ºW)


  • Motoi MISHIMA Biologista-Seção de Biologia Pesqueira - Divisão de Pesca Marí­­tima - Instituto de Pesca
  • Shitiro TANJI Biologista-Seção de Biologia Pesqueira - Divisão de Pesca Marí­­tima - Instituto de Pesca




The correlation between standard length/weight and standard length/pelvic fin length of 4 catfishes (Osteichthyes, Ariidae) of Cananéia's lagoon-estuarine complex (25°S, 48°W) was observed: Arius spixii (Agassiz, 1829), Genidens genidens (Valenciennes, 1839), Sciadeichthys luniscutis (Valenciennes, 1840) and Netuma barba Lacépí­¨de, 1803). The allometric equation is applicable to verify this correlation (ln Y = a.ln x + b). The bimonthly variation of catfish weight did not present any relation with spawning. In The adult female catfish, the pelvic fin was statistically larger than the male pelvic fin. Nevertheless, this difference cannot be applied to distinguish the catfish sex because of a wide individual variation.

