Toxicidade aguda do mercúrio para tilápia-do-Nilo, Oreochromis niloticus
mercúrio, tilápia-do-Nilo, Oreochromis niloticus, toxicidadeResumo
Este trabalho relata a concentração letal média (CL50-96h) de mercúrio para tilápia-do-Nilo, Oreochromis niloticus, estimada através do teste semiestático de toxicidade aguda realizado com cloreto de mercúrio (HgCl2). O teste foi conduzido no laboratório de Toxicologia Aquática do Instituto de Pesca - SP, em condições controladas de temperatura (24,4 ± 2,25°C) e fotoperíodo (10L:14D). Alevinos (2,46 ± 0,21 cm e 0,41 ± 0,12 g) foram mantidos durante 96 horas em aquários de 5 litros, de acordo com as seguintes concentrações de mercúrio, conduzidas em triplicata: 0,00 (controle); 0,037; 0,185; 0,370; 0,740; 0,925 mg Hg L-1. O valor de CL50-96h foi estimado em 0,220 mg Hg L-1.
ALLEN, P. 1994 Changes in the haematological profile of the cichlid Oreochromis aureaus (Steindachner) during acute inorganic mercury intoxication. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 108C(1): 117-121.
AMEND, D.F. 1970 Retention of mercury by salmon.Prog. Fish. Cult., 32: 192-194.
APHA; AWWA; WPCF 1998 Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater. 20.ed. In:
APHA -American Public Health Association; AWWA - American Water Works Association; WPCF -Water Pollution Control Federation (Ed.). Washington, DC. 140p. (Capítulo 8)
BANO, Y. and HASAN, M. 1990 Histopathological lesions in the body organs of catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis following mercury intoxication. J. Environ. Science and Health, 25(1): 67-85.
BOENING, D.W. 2000 Ecological effects, transport,and fate of mercury: A General Review. Chemosphere, 40: 1335-1351.
BUHL, K.J. 1997 Relative sensitivity of three endangered fishes, Colorado Squawfish, Bonytail, and
Razorback Sucker, to selected metal pollutants.Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety, 37: 186-192.
CHARUWAN-SOMSIRI, L. 1982 Acute toxicity of mercury, copper and zinc to the Nile tilapia (Tilapia nilotica, Linnaeus, 1757). Thai. Fish.Gazette, 35(3): 313-318.
CONAMA 2005 Resolução nº 357, de 17 de março de 2005. Brasília: Ministério do Meio Ambiente.
Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente. Publicação D.O.U. 18/03/2005. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18/abril/2006.
DAS, K.K.; DASTIDAR, S.G.; CHAKRABARTY, S.;BANERJEE, S.K. 1980 Toxicity of mercury: a comparative study in air-breathing fish and non air-breathing fish. Hydrobiologia., 68: 225-229.
DOE-UM 1986 Water quality criteria and standards for Malaysia. Executive Summary. Final Report.Department of Environment, Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, Malaysia/Consultant group on water quality, Institute of Advanced Studies, Univ. of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1, V-Xll.
DOLBEC, J.; MERGLER, D.; LARRIBE, F.; ROULET,M.; LEBEL, J.; LUCOTTE, M. 2001 Sequential analysis of hair mercury levels in relation to fish diet of an Amazonian population, Brazil. The Science of the Total Environment, 271: 87-97.
GILL, T.S. and PANT, J.C. 1985 Mercury-induced blood anomalies in the freshwater teleost. Water,Air and Soil Pollution., 24: 165-171.
HAMILTON, M.A.; RUSSO, R.C.; THURSTON, R.V.1977 Trimmed Spearman-Karber method for estimating median lethal concentrations in toxicity bioassays. Environ Sci. Technol., 11: 714-719.
HIRT, L.M. and DOMITROVIC, H.A. 1999 Toxicidad y respuesta histopatológica en Aequidens portalegrensis
(Pisces, Cichlidae) expuesto a bicloruro de mercurio en ensayos de toxicidad aguda y subletales. REUNIâ€ÂN DE COMUNICACIONES CIENTí-FICAS Y TECNOLâ€ÂGICAS, UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DEL NORDESTE, Corrientes, 1999. Anais... Tomo IV (Ciências Veterinárias). p.19-22.
KHANGAROT, B.S. 1981 Effect of zinc, copper and mercury on Channa marulius (Hamilton). Acta Hydrochim. Hydrobiol., 9(6): 639-649.
KIM, J.M. 1979 The toxicity of mercury and cadmium on two freshwater fi shes, carp and loach. Bulletin Kordi, 1(1): 15-21.
KIME, D.E. 1998 Endocrine disruption in fish. Sheffi eld: University of Sheffi eld. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 416p.
KLEMM, D.J.; MORRISON, G.E.; NORBER-KING, T.J.; PELTIER, W.H.; HEBER, M.A. 1994 Shortterm methods for estimating the chronic toxicity of effl uents and receiving waters to marine and estuarine organisms. 2.ed. Cincinnaty: EPA-600/4-91-003, Environmental Monitoring and Supporting Lab, US Environmental Protection Agency. 341p.
MAURICE-BOURGOIN, L.; QUIROGA, I.;CHINCHEROS, J.; COURAU, P. 2000 Mercury distribution in waters and fi shes of the upper Madeira Rivers and mercury exposure in Riparian Amazonian populations. The Science of
the Total Environment, 260: 73-86.
MICRYAKOV, V.R. and LAPIROVA, T.B. 1997 Infl uence of salts of some heavy metals on the differential blood count in juvenile Acipenser baeri.. J. Ichthyol., 37(6): 458-462.
NAMMALWAR, P. 1989 Biochemical changes resulting from bioassay of heavy metals mercury and cadmium to the grey mullet Liza macrolepis (Smith). In: INTERNATIONAL MARINE BIOTECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE, 1., Tóquio,
1989. Anais p.47.
OLIVEIRA-RIBEIRO, C.A.; BELGER, L.; PELLETIER, E.;ROULEAU, C. 2002 Histopathological evidence of inorganic mercury and methylmercury toxicity in the Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus). Environmental Research, 90: 217-225.
PANDEY, A.K.; MOHAMED M.P.; GEORGE, K.C. 1994 Histopathological alterations in liver and intestine of Liza parsia (Hamilton-Buchanan) in response to mercury toxicity. J. Adv. Zool.,15(1): 18-24.
RAMAMURTHI, R.; NAIDU, K.A.; SUBBIAH, M.B.;BALAJI, N.; RAO, M.V.R. 1982 Toxicity of mercury to some freshwater organisms. Geobios Jodhpur, 9: 89-90.
REHWOLDT, R.; MENAPACE, L.W.; NERRIE, B.;ALESSANDRELLO, D. 1972 The effect of increased temperature upon the acute toxicity of some heavy metal ions. Bull. Environ. Contam.Toxicol., 8: 91-96.
SHYONG, W.J. and CHEN, H.C. 2000 Acute toxicity of copper, cadmium, and mercury to the freshwater fi sh Varicorhinus barbatulus and Zacco barbata. Acta Zool. Taiwanica, 11(1): 33-45.
SLABBERT, J.L. and VENTER, E.A. 1999 Biological assays for aquatic toxicity testing. Wat. Sci.Tech., 39(10-11): 367-373.
SPRAGUE, J.B. 1971 Measurement of pollutant toxicity to fi sh. III. Sublethal effects and safe concentrations. Water Res., 3: 793-821.
SUNDERLAND, E.M. and CHMURA, G.L. 2000 An inventory of historical mercury emissions in Maritime Canada: Implications for present and future contamination. The Science of the Total Environment, 256: 39-57.
TAIWAN EPA 1985 Water quality standards. Taipei:Environmental Protection Agency. 547327
AMEND, D.F. 1970 Retention of mercury by salmon.Prog. Fish. Cult., 32: 192-194.
APHA; AWWA; WPCF 1998 Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater. 20.ed. In:
APHA -American Public Health Association; AWWA - American Water Works Association; WPCF -Water Pollution Control Federation (Ed.). Washington, DC. 140p. (Capítulo 8)
BANO, Y. and HASAN, M. 1990 Histopathological lesions in the body organs of catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis following mercury intoxication. J. Environ. Science and Health, 25(1): 67-85.
BOENING, D.W. 2000 Ecological effects, transport,and fate of mercury: A General Review. Chemosphere, 40: 1335-1351.
BUHL, K.J. 1997 Relative sensitivity of three endangered fishes, Colorado Squawfish, Bonytail, and
Razorback Sucker, to selected metal pollutants.Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety, 37: 186-192.
CHARUWAN-SOMSIRI, L. 1982 Acute toxicity of mercury, copper and zinc to the Nile tilapia (Tilapia nilotica, Linnaeus, 1757). Thai. Fish.Gazette, 35(3): 313-318.
CONAMA 2005 Resolução nº 357, de 17 de março de 2005. Brasília: Ministério do Meio Ambiente.
Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente. Publicação D.O.U. 18/03/2005. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18/abril/2006.
DAS, K.K.; DASTIDAR, S.G.; CHAKRABARTY, S.;BANERJEE, S.K. 1980 Toxicity of mercury: a comparative study in air-breathing fish and non air-breathing fish. Hydrobiologia., 68: 225-229.
DOE-UM 1986 Water quality criteria and standards for Malaysia. Executive Summary. Final Report.Department of Environment, Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, Malaysia/Consultant group on water quality, Institute of Advanced Studies, Univ. of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1, V-Xll.
DOLBEC, J.; MERGLER, D.; LARRIBE, F.; ROULET,M.; LEBEL, J.; LUCOTTE, M. 2001 Sequential analysis of hair mercury levels in relation to fish diet of an Amazonian population, Brazil. The Science of the Total Environment, 271: 87-97.
GILL, T.S. and PANT, J.C. 1985 Mercury-induced blood anomalies in the freshwater teleost. Water,Air and Soil Pollution., 24: 165-171.
HAMILTON, M.A.; RUSSO, R.C.; THURSTON, R.V.1977 Trimmed Spearman-Karber method for estimating median lethal concentrations in toxicity bioassays. Environ Sci. Technol., 11: 714-719.
HIRT, L.M. and DOMITROVIC, H.A. 1999 Toxicidad y respuesta histopatológica en Aequidens portalegrensis
(Pisces, Cichlidae) expuesto a bicloruro de mercurio en ensayos de toxicidad aguda y subletales. REUNIâ€ÂN DE COMUNICACIONES CIENTí-FICAS Y TECNOLâ€ÂGICAS, UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DEL NORDESTE, Corrientes, 1999. Anais... Tomo IV (Ciências Veterinárias). p.19-22.
KHANGAROT, B.S. 1981 Effect of zinc, copper and mercury on Channa marulius (Hamilton). Acta Hydrochim. Hydrobiol., 9(6): 639-649.
KIM, J.M. 1979 The toxicity of mercury and cadmium on two freshwater fi shes, carp and loach. Bulletin Kordi, 1(1): 15-21.
KIME, D.E. 1998 Endocrine disruption in fish. Sheffi eld: University of Sheffi eld. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 416p.
KLEMM, D.J.; MORRISON, G.E.; NORBER-KING, T.J.; PELTIER, W.H.; HEBER, M.A. 1994 Shortterm methods for estimating the chronic toxicity of effl uents and receiving waters to marine and estuarine organisms. 2.ed. Cincinnaty: EPA-600/4-91-003, Environmental Monitoring and Supporting Lab, US Environmental Protection Agency. 341p.
MAURICE-BOURGOIN, L.; QUIROGA, I.;CHINCHEROS, J.; COURAU, P. 2000 Mercury distribution in waters and fi shes of the upper Madeira Rivers and mercury exposure in Riparian Amazonian populations. The Science of
the Total Environment, 260: 73-86.
MICRYAKOV, V.R. and LAPIROVA, T.B. 1997 Infl uence of salts of some heavy metals on the differential blood count in juvenile Acipenser baeri.. J. Ichthyol., 37(6): 458-462.
NAMMALWAR, P. 1989 Biochemical changes resulting from bioassay of heavy metals mercury and cadmium to the grey mullet Liza macrolepis (Smith). In: INTERNATIONAL MARINE BIOTECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE, 1., Tóquio,
1989. Anais p.47.
OLIVEIRA-RIBEIRO, C.A.; BELGER, L.; PELLETIER, E.;ROULEAU, C. 2002 Histopathological evidence of inorganic mercury and methylmercury toxicity in the Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus). Environmental Research, 90: 217-225.
PANDEY, A.K.; MOHAMED M.P.; GEORGE, K.C. 1994 Histopathological alterations in liver and intestine of Liza parsia (Hamilton-Buchanan) in response to mercury toxicity. J. Adv. Zool.,15(1): 18-24.
RAMAMURTHI, R.; NAIDU, K.A.; SUBBIAH, M.B.;BALAJI, N.; RAO, M.V.R. 1982 Toxicity of mercury to some freshwater organisms. Geobios Jodhpur, 9: 89-90.
REHWOLDT, R.; MENAPACE, L.W.; NERRIE, B.;ALESSANDRELLO, D. 1972 The effect of increased temperature upon the acute toxicity of some heavy metal ions. Bull. Environ. Contam.Toxicol., 8: 91-96.
SHYONG, W.J. and CHEN, H.C. 2000 Acute toxicity of copper, cadmium, and mercury to the freshwater fi sh Varicorhinus barbatulus and Zacco barbata. Acta Zool. Taiwanica, 11(1): 33-45.
SLABBERT, J.L. and VENTER, E.A. 1999 Biological assays for aquatic toxicity testing. Wat. Sci.Tech., 39(10-11): 367-373.
SPRAGUE, J.B. 1971 Measurement of pollutant toxicity to fi sh. III. Sublethal effects and safe concentrations. Water Res., 3: 793-821.
SUNDERLAND, E.M. and CHMURA, G.L. 2000 An inventory of historical mercury emissions in Maritime Canada: Implications for present and future contamination. The Science of the Total Environment, 256: 39-57.
TAIWAN EPA 1985 Water quality standards. Taipei:Environmental Protection Agency. 547327
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