Social and economical characterization of the ornamental aquaculture in the region of the Zona da Mata Mineira


  • Renato Silva CARDOSO Mestre em Zootecnia, Escola de Veterinária, UFMG
  • Ângela Maria Quintão LANA Professora Doutora, Escola de Veterinária, UFMG
  • Edgar de Alencar TEIXEIRA Professor Doutor, Escola de Veterinária, UFMG
  • Ronald Kennedy LUZ Professor Doutor, Escola de Veterinária, UFMG
  • Paulo Mário Carvalho de FARIA Professor Doutor, Escola Agrí­­cola de Jundia-­­, UFRN


agribusiness, outlook aquaculture, ornamental fish


The objective of this study was to characterize the ornamental aquaculture of the Zona da Mata Mineira under the productive and commercial aspect. Eighty questionnaires were randomly distributed among producers in four major districts within the region, with objective questions about production, marketing, nutrition and animal health. The adoption of appropriate management practices, as a more effective control of quality, temperature, hardness, oxygenation, ammonia levels, nitrite, total solids and pH on the water can prevent production reduction, even as the decrease of the financial and environmental cost of eventual veterinary treatment using medicament. The commercialization can be advantageous, through associations with reduction of middleman participation that manages the activity in the current model.


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