Historical background of the population biology of the swimming crab Arenaeus cribrarius (Crustacea: Portunidae) in the Ubatuba coast, southeast Brazil


  • Marcelo Antonio Amaro PINHEIRO UNESP -  Univ Estadual Paulista, Campus Experimental do Litoral Paulista (CLP), Grupo de Pesquisa em Biologia de Crustáceos (CRUSTA), Laboratório de Biologia de Crustáceos http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0758-5526
  • André Luiz PARDAL-SOUZA UNESP -  Univ Estadual Paulista, Campus Experimental do Litoral Paulista (CLP), Grupo de Pesquisa em Biologia de Crustáceos (CRUSTA), Laboratório de Biologia de Crustáceos / UFABC -  Universidade Federal do ABC, Centro de Ciências Naturais e Humanas (CCNH), Programa de Pós - graduação em Evolução e Diversidade




body size, Fortaleza Bay, handedness, population structure, sex ratio


This study presents results obtained 25 years ago on the population structure, sex ratio, and handedness of Arenaeus cribrarius in Ubatuba, North coast of São Paulo State, Brazil. Sampling studies were conducted during two different periods (from November 1988 to October 1989, and from May 1991 to April 1993), one of them performed for pooled data, and other exclusively for Fortaleza Bay (monthly samples from November 1988 to October 1989). Males were larger (CW, average ± SD: 73.38 ± 15.78 mm) than females (68.45 ± 12.20 mm). The size between juvenile and adult stages has an overlap, for males (40-70mm CW) e fêmeas (45-75 mm CW). A prevalence of females was registered for pooled data (1:1.42; < 0.01), but it was not recorded in Fortaleza Bay (1:1.25; > 0.05). The sex ratio was close to 1:1 in the smaller size classes, with females dominating in the intermediate classes, and males in larger ones. In Fortaleza Bay, a female biased sex ratio was only noted in transect I (1:3.88; < 0.05) and in the autumn (1:1.67; < 0.05), with 73% of the specimens measured were right-handed.


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