


Aquarium fish;, export;, monitoring;, sustainability;, Amazon basin.


The updated status of the ornamental fish trade from the Amazonas state was analyzed between the years of 2006-2015 (IBAMA database). The trade of ornamental fish from Amazonas state mainly consists of species extracted from nature. A total of 142,552,253 specimens were exported during the studied period. Sales plummeted since 2006, from 26,075,241 specimens exported then to 2,729,846 specimens in 2015 (Jan-Jul). Between 2006 and 2015, a total of US$ 23.0 million in revenue was generated from fish exports destined to 35 countries. Germany, Taiwan, USA and Japan accounted for 75.5% of the volume and 76.7% of the value exported. During this time, 375 species were exported, included Paracheirodon axelrodiP. simulans, Hemigrammus bleheriOtociclus affinis and O. hoppei that together represented 84.5% of exports. Thirty are not on the list of IBAMA species released for export, and six are currently on the list of endangered fauna of Brazil, being them: Hopliancistrus tricornisLeporacanthicus joselimaiParancistrus nudiventrisPeckoltia comptaScobinancistrus auratus and S. pariolispos. These results are an additional tool for managers, environmentalists and decision makers to establish regulations to govern the trade.     


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