Proximate composition and caloric value of cultivated mussels Perna perna from north coast of São Paulo, Brazil
bivalves, proximate composition, caloric content, seasonal variationAbstract
Due to the demand for information about the nutritional characteristics of mussel as raw material to obtain food manufactured products, this study has investigated the proximate composition of Perna perna mussels cultivated in three different areas of Ubatuba í SP and its seasonal variations (spring, summer and autumn). The determination of macro components (moisture, protein, carbohydrates, lipids and ash) and caloric value was conducted monthly, from November 2002 to March 2003, when the ambient temperature varied between 24 to 34°C. It was concluded that there is variation in chemical constituents of mussels according to the season and area of cultivation. The seasonal influence is bigger than the area of cultivation, since the protein and carbohydrates have not presented variations between the areas for the same period. The mussels cultivated in Ubatuba have presented 9.1% of protein, low fat content (1.1%) and caloric value (62.8 kcal x 100 g-1). The mussel can be characterized as a food of high nutritional quality, attending the needs of consumers that look for healthy diets and with low caloric content.
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