Physical and proximate composition of the edible parts (fillets) in both sexes of Cynoscion petranus (RIBEIRO, 1915) Lara, 1948


  • Mário Queiróz MANDELLI Pesquisador Cientí­­fico - Seção de Microbiologia e Bioquí­­mico da Divisão Marí­­tima. Atualmente, na Seção de Controle e Orientação da pesca da Divisão de Pesca do Instituto de Pesca
  • Flávio Brunhara LONA Estatí­­stico - Divisão de Pesca Interior do Instituto de Pesca .Atualmente no Centro de Comunicação Rural e Treinamento da Coordenadoria de Assistência Técnica Integral




The purpose of this paper is to present the results obtained on the physical composition, i.e., parts of the fish body and proximate composition of "goete", Cynoscion petranus (Ribeiro, 1915) Lara, 1948. Samples were taken at Santos Fishing Pier from commercial landing caught in the waters of Brazi1ian Coast, at 23°S to 26°S. The data were analyzed graphically and statistically and the results are showed in the graphics and tab1es. Composition of the fillets has been found to be high in protein and low in oil and suggests that "goete", weakfish, may be classified by Stansby & Hall (1964) system as a low oil and high protein group "A" fish.

