(A study on sailfish Istiophorus platypterus (Shaw & Nodder, 1791) biology and fishery in the South and Southeast of Brazil (1971 to 1980)


  • Carlos Alberto ARFELLI Pesquisador Cientí­­fico do Centro APTA do Pescado Marinho - Instituto de Pesca -  APTA -  SAA
  • Alberto Ferreira de AMORIM Pesquisador Cientí­­fico da Seção de Biologia Pesqueira da Divisão de Pesca Marí­­tima do Instituto de Pesca




Brazilian longliners based at the fishing terminal of Santos operate in the South and Southeast of Brazil. These longliners catch sail fish from October to March (occasiona11y in September), at 200S-27°S latitude and 39°W-48°W longitude. Their catches from November to February represented approximately 20% of the catch (1971-1979). Data obtained included length-gilled and gutted weight relationship and monthly size frequency in percentage. Results showed that the catches ranged between 120 and 165 cm. The presence of ripe feminine gonads in the designated area, from November to February, indicated that this is an area and period for the specie reproduction. Presence of juvenile sailfish was also verified (January, 1976) in the stomach contents of other species caught in the same area.

