Oxygen -consumption by the shrimp (Macrobrachium acanturus (Wiegmann, 1836) as subsidy to its transport and cultivation


  • Maísa Rose Domenico ELMOR Biologista - Setor Crustáceos - Seção de Aquicultura - Divisão de Pesca Interior - Instituto de Pesca - Bolsista do CNPq
  • Vera Lucia LOBÃO Biologista - Setor Crustáceos - Seção de Aquicultura - Divisão de Pesca Interior - Instituto de Pesca - Pesquisadora do CNPq
  • Wagner Cotroni VALENTI Biologista (Estagiário)-Seção de Aquicultura - Divisão de Pesca Interior - Instituto de Pesca http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8526-1052




Oxygen consumption of the shrimp Macrobrachium acanthurus was determined in function of weight, inter-moult cycle and temperature. The respiratory rate was measured in a Schlieper respirometer by Winkler's titulometric method, modified by Strickland & Parsons (1960). Our data showed an inverse relationship between oxygen consumption and weight; thus, little animals spend more oxygen by unit of weight. Oxygen consumption in function of the inter-moult cycle shows an inversion according to the size of the animal and is related to the more intense growth in the young. It was also seen that oxygen consumption tends to differ at temperatures of 20°C and 25°C. We tried still to call attentions on the main criteria to be considered for establishing a relationship between oxygen consumption and the maturating phases of the female.



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