Evaluation of smoking techniques for Perna perna mussels: sensorial analysis and yield
mussels, smoking, liquid smoke, yield, Perna perna, sensorial characteristicsAbstract
The objective of the present work was to evaluate two techniques of smoking: the hot traditional and that with the use of smoke natural aroma or "liquid smoke" having as control Perna perna mussels vapor cooked. Sensorial characteristics were appraised (appearance, color, aroma, texture, flavor and salt tenor) and yield processing. The experimental design was completely randomized, with three treatments (T1 = smoked with liquid smoke; T2 = traditional smoked; and T3 = just cooked, control), with nine repetitions. For sensorial analysis, 30 people were used, being each one considered a block. There was significant difference for processing performance among treatments (P<0.05), however there was no significant difference independent of smoked technique applied. Nevertheless, smoking technique using smoke natural aroma was more attractive, presenting better results with relationship to sensorial characteristics and final product packaged for commercialization.
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