(Meat yield and proximate composition in Macrobrachium rosenbergii)


  • Vera Lucia LOBÃO Pesquisador Cientí­­fico IV - Seção de Aquicultura - Divisão de Pesca Interior - Instituto de pesca - Bolsista do CNPq
  • Nilton Eduardo Torres ROJAS Pesquisador Cientí­­fico I - Seção de Aquicultura -  Divisão de Pesca Interior - Instituto de Pesca
  • Helenice Pereira de BARROS Biologista - Estagiária do Instituto de Pesca http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3537-8383




The utilization of Macrobrachium rosenhergii was studied with the objective to determine the proportion of the total weight of the animal utilized for consume in the input of the head and cleanness. It was determined the total length (LT), total weight (WT), weight of the tail (WC) and weight of the clean (WL) of 314 samples coming from tank in ltaquaquecetuba (SP). The average utilization was calculated in the input of the head (DC) and cleanness (R). The meat, in each category of length, was analyzed as for the chemical principles. The relations DC/WT, R/WT, DC/LT and R/LT resulted inversely proportional, indicating that the starch of the animals that over weighed 50 - 60 g, for having Iower utilization (bellow 45%), became financially non profitable. The rate of humidity, protein and ash didn't have big changes on the different categories of the Iength, showing average values of 76.24%, 20.26% and 1.22% respectively. However, a decreasing variation was verified in the rate of fatness in proportion to the animal size, as animal between 5 - 10 cm showed 1.18% of starch and animals between 20 - 25 cm shoed 0.26%.



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