Life Cycle Analysis to evaluate the productive chain of fish consumed in the Bahia State (Brazil).


  • Eduardo Rômulo Nunes RODRIGUES Federal University of Bahia
  • Diego Lima MEDEIROS Federal University of Bahia
  • André de Almeida MENDONÇA Bahia Pesca S/A
  • Catarina da Rocha MARCOLIN Universidade Federal do Sul da Bahia.
  • Ricardo Castelo Branco ALBINATI Federal University of Bahia
  • Carlos Roberto FRANKE Federal University of Bahia



Life Cycle Analysis (LCA), Greenhouse Gases (GHG), food delivery, aquaculture


We evaluated the productive chain of fish consumed in the State of Bahia using Life Cycle Analysis (LCA). We estimated the inputs and outputs from logistics and fish processing. For every kg of processed and transported fish we calculated the Global Warming Potential (GWP) based on the amount of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) given in kg of CO2eq, as follows: 0.020 í  electricity; 0.003 í  water consumption; 0.002 í  wastewater; 0.160 and 1.495 í  waste from the gutted and filleted fish, respectively; 0.871 and 1.007 í  refrigerated transportation of gutted and filleted fish, respectively. The sum of GHG emissions were 1.058 and 2.592 kg of CO2eq per kg of gutted and filleted fish, respectively. LCA results indicate that it is possible to reduce the GWP associated with refrigerated transportation by increasing local fish production and decreasing importation, especially given the available water potential of Bahia. However, to achieve a sustainable production it is imperative to adopt and also develop technologies that promote environmental impact reduction from solid residues.


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