Choice of sardine hydrolyzate as food attractive by silver catfish
This work aimed to evaluate the efficiency of sardine waste hydrolyzate as food attractive for silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen), comparing such choice to others attractive. Two experiments were performed: on the first, the substances were inoculated direct in the water of the fish tank and on the second they were included in agar pellets. In the experiment 1, the inoculation of the substances (sardine waste hydrolyzate, tilapia muscle extract and distilled water) in the water did not affect the distribution of fish among the compartments. In the experiment 2, most fish entered first into the compartment that contained the attractive (sardine waste hydrolyzate, tilapia muscle extract and glutamic acid). No difference was found on the distribution of fish among compartments when two attractive were evaluated simultaneously. The pellets containing muscle extract were ingested first and in higher quantities comparing to distilled water. The evaluation of attractive in pellets has revealed that the sardine waste hydrolyzate is efficient as food attractive for silver catfish. There was no choice difference related to others attractive. The inclusion of substances in pellets is a valid methodology on the evaluation of different attractive.
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