
  • Paulo Victor do Nascimento ARAÚJO Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte -  IFRN, Campus Macau, Grupo de Pesquisa em Análise Ambiental, Modelagem e Geoinformação -  PAMGEIA.
  • Alex Barbosa de MORAES Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte -  UFRN, Campus Universitário Lagoa Nova, Centro de Biociências - CB, Departamento de Botí­¢nica e Zoologia - BEZ, Laboratório de Ecologia e EvoluçaÌÆ’o de Crustáceos -  LABEEC.
  • Flávia LUCENA FRÉDOU Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco -  UFRPE, Campus Dois Irmãos, Departamento de Pesca e Aquicultura -  DEPAq
  • Fúlvio Aurélio de Morais FREIRE Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte -  UFRN, Campus Universitário Lagoa Nova, Centro de Biociências - CB, Departamento de Botí­¢nica e Zoologia - BEZ, Laboratório de Ecologia e EvoluçaÌÆ’o de Crustáceos -  LABEEC.



fishing effort;, Catch per Unit Effort;, Catch per Unit Swept Area;, fisheries research;, trawl fishing;, artisanal fishing.


The aim of this scientific note was to evaluate the influence of the coastal current on the estimation of relative abundance indices for small-scale marine shrimp trawling to indicate the best relative abundance index to be used for stock assessment and conservation. Georeferenced experimental trawls were carried out with standardized equipment and capture time on the coast of Rio Grande do Norte, northeastern Brazil. Drags followed convergent and divergent orientations in relation to the flow of the local coastal current. The results showed that the direction of the coastal current flow directly influences the distances and drag shifts, generating variations in the sampling effort and, consequently, bias when using Catch per Unit Effort (CPUE) as a relative abundance index. Conversely, the adoption of Catch per Unit of Swept Area (CPUA) as an index of relative abundance for shrimp trawling becomes more suitable since the variations in the distances of trawl shifts are perceptible through this index.


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Short Communication