The role of modernity in the disruption of the tradition: The policies of the SEAP as dissolution in the way of life of artisanal fishery
Late Modernity, Way of Living of Fishing, artisanal fishery, Public Policies of Fishing, Environmental Sociology, Tradition, ModernityAbstract
In this article, a sociological analysis of the public policies related to the fishing, whose objective is to transform the value of artisanal fishery in a surmountable value by the modern practice, was performed. Such policies promote new meanings, relationships and technologies for the fishing section through a modernization model of fishing that does not consider the knowledge and traditional making. For that, a sociological analysis was performed in the context of the Late Modernity, as a support to the interpretation of documentary research of recordings and official speeches of SEAP. Modernity and tradition were examined as essential categories for understanding suppression of traditional way of life, like artisanal fishery, in the mark of the formulated policies for the fishing section in Brazil. The study concludes that exists a great distance between the speech and the practice of the announced policies by SEAP in 2003, and demonstrates how the cited project of modernization of the fishing in course overcomes the value of the traditional artisanal fishery.
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