Feeding behavior of "matrinxã” (Brycon cephalus) during the period of lower temperatures



matrinxã, Brycon cephalus, water temperature, schedule, feeding frequency, food consumption


This work arms to study the feeding behavior of "matrinxã" Brycon cephalus, in rearing ponds, during period of lower temperatures. The best schedule of the day and feeding of frequency were analyzed, based on the food consumption in: M (morning), MD (noon), T (afternoon), M+MD (morning + noon), M+T (morning+ afternoon) e MD+T (noon + afternoon). All data were collected from 16 tanks of 50 m2 each, from May 14 through September 2, 1997. Each tank had a load of 1040 fingerlings, with 13.7 g of average weight and at a density of 1.3 fish/m2, was fed an extruded commercial ration (pellets) of 35% of crude protein. It was observed that food consumption was greater when fishes were fed twice a day, at noon and in the afternoon. The average water temperature in different feeding times of the day was: M = 21.98°C, MD = 23.08°C, T = 22.24°C, M+MD = 21.56°C, M+T = 22.42°C, MD+T = 23.51°C.


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