Growth and survival of bottom oyster Crassostrea gasar cultured in the Northeast and South of Brazil


  • Jefferson Francisco Alves LEGAT Embrapa Meio-Norte / Federal University of Santa Catarina, Laboratory of Marine Molluscs
  • Angela PUCHNICK-LEGAT Embrapa Meio-Norte
  • Fabíola Helena dos Santos FOGAÇA Embrapa Meio-Norte
  • Cláudio Rudolfo TURECK University of Joinville Region. Rodovia Duque de Caxias
  • Simone SUHNEL Federal University of Santa Catarina, Laboratory of Marine Molluscs
  • Claudio Manoel Rodrigues de MELO Federal University of Santa Catarina, Laboratory of Marine Molluscs



total wet weight, shell height, culture, native oyster, Crassostrea gasar


This study evaluated the growth, survival, and time to reach the minimum market size (50 mm shell height) by the bottom oyster, Crassostrea gasar, with seeds produced at hatchery. Culture areas were located in the States of Maranhão [1-Morro do Meio (MM); 2-Torto (TT)] and of Santa Catarina [1-São Francisco do Sul (SFS); 2-Florianópolis (SB)]. Eight thousand seeds were transferred to each location and cultivated from June 2012 to July 2013. Oyster growth in Santa Catarina was bigger than in Maranhão. The ideal cultivation time was of 8 months, when animals had an average shell height of 71.96(±8.05) mm in SFS; 55.31(±6.05) mm in SB; and 46.92(±9.11) mm in TT. Morro do Meio (MM) was considered unsuitable for C. gasar growth, as the average shell height was 36.20(±12.40) mm after a 13-month cultivation. Survival rates varied throughout the year: 79.82-99.69% in SFS; 80.00-99.81% in SB; 90.59-98.21% in TT; and 64.98-96.54% in MM.


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