Performance of painted river prawn post-larvae submitted to different feeding frequencies
feed management, Macrobrachium carcinus, carcinicultureAbstract
This study evaluates the effect of the feeding frequency on survival (S%), weight gain (WG), final biomass (TB) and apparent feed conversion (AFC) of painted river prawn Macrobrachium carcinus post-larvae, native freshwater prawn with great potential for cultivation. There were used 16 circular tanks of 30 L in a recirculating system, with mechanical and biological filters. In each tank, 45 newly metamorphosed post-larvae (0.01 g) produced in the laboratory were stored. A randomized trial was designed with 4 treatments (feeding frequency: 1, 2, 4 and 6x/day) and 4 replicates, using commercial pelleted ration with 42% protein, manually provided in an amount of 10% of the biomass. After 20 days, post-larvae were counted and weighed. The results show no significant differences between the treatments. The S% ranged from 41.11 ± 18.69% (2x/day) to 55.55 ± 4.44% (4x/day); the WG, from 0.040 ± 0.01g (6x/day) to 0.051 ± 0.02g (2x/day); the TB, from 5.06 ± 0.18 (6x/day) to 5, 96 ± 1.91 (2x/day); and the AFC varied from 2.49 ± 1.14 (2x/day) to 3.10 ± 1.14 (6x/day). It was concluded that the different frequencies of food supply did not influence the survival, mass gain and apparent feed conversion of M. carcinus post-larvae at nursery stage I.
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