(Limnological characteristics of the areas of capture of "manjuba” Anchoviella lepidentostole Fowler, 1911 (Osteichthyes, Engraulidae), in Ribeira de Iguape Rivers from Registro (SP)


  • Maria Teresa Duarte GIAMAS Pesquisador Cientí­­fico - Seção de Aquicultura - Divisão de Pesca Interior - Instituto de Pesca
  • Harry VERMULM jr Biólogo - Seção de Aquicultura - Divisão de Pesca Interior - Instituto de Pesca
  • Mithine TAKINO Pesquisador Cientí­­fico - Seção de Limnologia - Divisão de Pesca Interior - Instituto de Pesca




This paper informs on the capture of "manjuba" (Anchoviella lepidentostole) and physical and chemical parameters of the water of Ribeira de Iguape River at 3 locations (Boa Vista, Ponte, Praia do Numa) in Registro (SP). Samples were collected from October 1978 to September 1979. It were detected the locations and times in which occurred the biggest captures; the most significant differences showed among the limnological factors: turbidity, electrical conductivity, alkalinity and silica and calcium contents.




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