(The chemical composition of Galeocharax knerii, Steindachner, 1879, in relation to month of year.)


  • Luiz SANCHES Professores da UNESP- Departamento de Tecnologia dos Produtos Agropecuários - F.C.A.-”Campus de Botucatu”
  • Marney Pascoli CEREDA Professores da UNESP- Departamento de Tecnologia dos Produtos Agropecuários - F.C.A.-”Campus de Botucatu” http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8181-7754
  • Antonio Eugênio FERREIRA Pesquisador Cientí­­ficos - Divisão de Pesca Interior - Instituto de Pesca
  • Manoel Nino de MORAES Pesquisador Cientí­­ficos - Divisão de Pesca Interior - Instituto de Pesca




The present research aimed to study the relationship among chemical composition and some biological parameters in both sexes of Galeocharax knerii. Monthly variations on chemical composition were also determined. It was observed, in both sexes, a variation of the chemical composition and an inverse relationship between moisture and oil. Protein was not correlated with moisture and fish length. In females, there was an inverse relationship between GSI and oil during autumn/winter. The former parameter, however, was not related with protein content of the meat.



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