Evaluation of different sources of carbohydrates for the biofloc system and the growth of white shrimp


  • Fernanda Alves GANDINI Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Zootecnia -  UFRRJ
  • José Ricardo de Oliveira NASCIMENTO júnior Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Zootecnia -  UFRRJ
  • Cataline Soares MEDEIROS Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Zootecnia -  UFRRJ
  • Lidia Miyako Yoshii OSHIRO Instituto de Zootecnia -Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro - UFRRJ
  • Nivaldo de Faria SANT'ANA Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro- UFRRJ




L.vannamei, brewery residue, Heterotrophic system


This study was aimed to evaluate the brewery wastes and other sources of carbohydrates for the biofloc system and different densities for the growth of white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei (initial weight of 0,35 Â± 0,05g). The experiment was performed during 55 days, using 6 treatments, each one with 3 repetitions, using two stocking densities (300 and 500 shrimp / m²) and three substrates (residue brewery, sugar cane molasses and manioc flour). The abiotic parameters were monitored daily and biometrics occurred weekly for performance evaluation. The physicochemical parameters of water were found suitable for the species, however the nitrogen compounds reached low levels, but the indexes were satisfactory, with average survival, weight gain and final body weight between 74-82; 3,5-5,0 and 4,2-5,7 , respectively. It was found that treatment with the brewery residue presented superior zootechnical parameters and also further microbial flakes formation. Treatments with lower densities have had better indexes. The results demonstrate that the productivity of flakes in the different treatments is effective as a food supplement for growing L. vannamei and for water quality, and that between the substrates, the residue brewery proves to be excellent organic compound for the bioflocs formation.


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