Apparent digestibility coefficients of feedstuff used in tambaqui diets


  • Hellen BUZOLLO
  • Thiago Matias Torres do NASCIMENTO
  • Lidiane Cristina Gonçalves de SANDRE
  • Ligia Maria NEIRA
  • Rosângela Kiyoko JOMORI
  • Dalton José CARNEIRO



Colossoma macropomum, gross energy, ether extract, crude protein


Quality of fish diet can be evaluated by quantifying the ability of fish to digest food. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) for crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE) and gross energy (GE) in nine protein ingredients and seven energy ingredients most commonly used in commercial diets for tambaqui. In total, 510 tambaqui juveniles were fed test diets containing a reference diet supplemented with an inert digestibility marker (Cr2O3) and each ingredient tested. Digestibility analyses showed that corn gluten had the highest ADCCP (98.09%) and ADCGE (96.91%), whereas alcohol yeast had the lowest ADCCP (63.17%) and ADCGE (46.24%). Protein ingredients were revealed to be excellent sources of lipids (ADCEE > 85.0%), with the exception of wheat gluten (ADCEE: 63.73%). Corn (94.50%) and wheat bran (86.08%) showed the highest ADCCP of all energy ingredients. No significant differences in ADCEE were observed across the energy ingredients tested. Of the energy ingredients tested, corn oil (95.70%), fish oil (93.61%), soybean oil (93.31%) and corn (88.70%) had the highest ADCGE. The use of protein ingredients and energy ingredients with high digestibility coefficients, such as the ones reported, can guide the formulation of top quality diets for tambaqui.


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