Fishing in the middle rio Negro: socioeconomic aspects and operational structure
pesca comercial, Barcelos, análise econômica, frota pesqueira, commercial fishing, economic analysis, fishing fleetAbstract
Fishing has an important socio-economic and cultural role in the Amazon, being one of the region’s most traditional extractive activity, but with incomplete information to support its management. The aim of this study was to analyze the socio economic aspects and operational structure of fishing fleet in the Barcelos, region of the Middle Rio Negro. Information on the physical, operational and economic features was collected through structured questionnaires from February 2012 to January 2013, with the fishermen of fishing boats and motorized canoes. Overall, commercial fishing is the main economic activity of the fishermen, but they also participate in other activities, mainly related to sport and ornamental fishing. The physical characteristics of the vessels are similar to those of other regions studied in the Amazon. The fishing boats are the primary storage facilities for fish landings. Gillnets were the main gear used by fishermen. Fuel was the greatest operational cost associated with fishing.
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