Perfil e renda dos pescadores artesanais e das vilas da Ilha do Mel í  Paraná, Brasil


  • Luciana FUZETTI Laboratório de Ictiologia -  Centro de Estudos do Mar - Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Marco Fábio Maia CORRÊ A Laboratório de Ictiologia -  Centro de Estudos do Mar - Universidade Federal do Paraná


fishing, fishing gear, boats, tourism, Paranaguá Bay, conflicts



The important touristic site of Mel Island has not been included in the studies about the fishing activities of the Paraná State. This article was carried out with the objective to describe the social profile of the artisanal fishers and their activity in the Mel Island. This was accomplished through 43 interviews with local fishers of six communities within the island. Based on this survey, there are approximately 98 active fishers in the Island. Fishers were mostly men (n=40), with mean age of 45.3 (± 11.97) years, and, typically, studied up to primary (62. 8%) and middle school (16.3%); 65% were married, 67.4% were native from Mel Island and 81% learned how to fish with their parents. The majority of the fishers (93%) did not have descendants fishing. Tourism complemented the income of 65% of them. Meanwhile, the surplus provided by the tourism was not sufficient to provide a significantly higher income than exclusive fishery activity. Tourism, introduction of new technologies and the creation of protected areas were pointed as responsible for changes in their activity. These changes interfered in the customs, fishing gears and boats, creating scenery of local conflicts. Fishers cited many suggestions to improve their fishing practices and life quality.


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