Trypan blue staining is not efficient in determining oocyte viability in Colossoma macropomum and Brycon amazonicus


  • Francisco Bruno Pereira SANTOS Nilton Lins University (INPA), Aquaculture Graduate Program
  • Elizabeth Gusmão AFFONSO Nilton Lins University (INPA), Aquaculture Graduate Program / National Institute of Amazon Researches (INPA)
  • Leandro GODOY Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Department of Animal Science



fish gametes, vital stain, membrane integrity, Amazonian fish


Currently, there is no effective technique to evaluate the quality of oocytes in fish farming in a practical and affordable way. The cell membrane integrity test with the vital dye trypan blue (TB) could be an option. In this study, Colossoma macropomum and Brycon amazonicus oocytes were exposed to different TB concentrations seeking to verify a possible relationship between the results of staining tests and reproductive rates. Oocytes were exposed to concentrations of 0.05, 0.04, 0.03, 0.02 and 0.01% TB for 1 minute and subsequently were evaluated under a stereomicroscope. The percentage of unstained (viable) oocytes from each sample was correlated with fertilization and hatching rates using a linear regression (P>0.05). We observed a weak correlation between the results of the staining tests and the fertilization and hatching rates in both species. TB integrity tests were not effective in predicting spawning viability in C. macropomum and B. amazonicus.


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