
  • Paulo Adelino de Medeiros Instituto Federal do Amazonas -  IFAM
  • Edimar Lopes da Costa Instituto Federal do Amazonas -  IFAM
  • Elenice Martins Brasil Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina -  UFSC
  • Eduardo Akifumi Ono Nova Acqua
  • Elizabeth Gusmão Affonso Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia -  INPA, Universidade Nilton Lins



intensive systems, native fish, nutrition, physiology


The present study evaluated practical diets with increasing levels of protein and energy on performance, fillet composition, feed cost, and physiological responses of pirarucu (Arapaima gigas) juveniles during the grow-out phase in a net cage system. In an on-farm trial for 90 days 225 pirarucu juveniles with initial weight ± standard deviation of 2025 ± 335 g were fed to apparent satiety with extruded diets containing 37.4 (T-37), 40.8 (T-40), 43.9 (T-43), 45.5 (T-46), and 47.1% (T-49) crude protein (CP), increasing lipid levels, and energy:protein ratio fixed in 10 kcal g-1. Protein and lipid concentrations in the diets influenced the cost, fillet composition, and important physiological aspects of the health maintenance and productive performance of the pirarucu juveniles. Fish fed the T-37 diet had lower concentrations of fat in body cavity, fillet and blood, and had a lower cost associated with feeding. The increase in protein and energy levels in the other diets tested reduced the economic return, did not improve the zootechnical performance and caused physiological changes in the fish.



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