
  • Flávia Renata Potrich Signor Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná -  UNIOESTE, Departamento de Engenharia de Pesca,
  • Gislaine Silveira Simões Instituto Federal do Paraná -  IFPR, Departamento de Gastronomia,
  • Priscila Ferri Coldebella Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana -  UNILA, Departamento de Engenharia Quí­­mica,
  • Arcangelo Augusto Signor Instituto Federal do Paraná -  IFPR, Departamento de Engenharia de Aquicultura,
  • Wilson Rogério Boscolo Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná -  UNIOESTE, Departamento de Engenharia de Pesca,




nutritional characteristics, pasty texture, acceptability, restructured products


Pre-gelatinized starch and dextrin help in the gelatinization of patties without adding heat to improve texture. Aiming to evaluate the effect of the addition of pre-gelatinized starch and dextrin in the preparation of mechanically separated meat patties obtained from Nile tilapia filetage residues. An experimental planning of the rotational central Composite Design (DCCR) 2 2 with 4 axial points with 9 formulations and 4 replications at the central point was applied, totaling 12 assays. A base formulation is developed to be applied in the design with different levels (0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3%) According to the planning (DCCR), pre-gelatinized starch and dextrin. A regression model was developed for the variable Shear Force response (texture). Analyses of chemical composition, Aw, ph, texture and scanning microscopy and sensory analyses were performed. For the development of the patties the best result was for 1.5% of pre-gelatinized starch and 1.0% dextrin. Thus, the use of mechanically separated meat with the addition of pre-gelatinized starch and dextrin to produce restructured products is of great importance for the fish industry, as it improves the texture of the breaded presented a Greater acceptance by consumers.


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