diversity, flooded forest, black water, Rio Negro, Central Amazonia, river regimeAbstract
The igapó forests are used as shelter and feeding by several species of fish from the Amazon. In order to increase knowledge about the fish fauna and to infer their distributional pattern within the igapó forest, we sought to describe and compare the diversity and composition of the fish assemblages present in this habitat with the open water area of â€"¹â€"¹the lakes and along the rise and fall of waters. Samplings were carried out in four lakes of the Anavilhanas National Park in the months of April and September of 2014, and February of 2015, by means of gillnets. In order to investigate the structure of the igapó and open water assemblages, the rarefaction curve and a Venn diagram and the diversity indices were used, the results of which were tested using the Student's t test and the Mann-Whitney U test. Subsequently, a perMANOVA test was applied to test the hypothesis of absence of spatial and seasonal effects on species composition. A total of 931 individuals were collected, distributed in 4 orders, 20 families, 48 â€"¹â€"¹genera and 65 species. In the igapó forest, 650 individuals and 62 species were collected, and in the open water 281 individuals and 37 species. The igapó forest presented high richness, abundance, diversity and variability in the composition of the species between periods when compared to the open water of the lakes, moreover, the two habitats have quite different ichthyofaunistic compositions. Additionally, the absence of the effect of fluvial processes was seen on the igapó forest, demonstrated by a high homogeneity in the abundance of the individuals, species richness and biomass of this habitat. Thus, our study demonstrates the importance of the igapó forest in maintaining the abundance and diversity of the ichthyofauna present in black waters of Central Amazonia.
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