Vitamin a supplemented diet for pacu fingerlings




blood parameters, histology, liposoluble vitamin, native fish, pisciculture


Vitamins are present in small amounts in food and are essential for the organic balance of fish. Liposoluble vitamins are stored in the liver and may lead to hypo or hypervitaminosis which in both cases can generate complications to animal homeostasis. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of vitamin A supplementation in the diet of pacu fingerlings (Piaractus mesopotamicus). A total of 240 fingerlings with the initial average weight of 17.55 ± 3.22 g were randomly distributed in 20 500 L-circular tanks. Diets were supplemented with retinol acetate (1,000,000 IU of vitamin A g-1) to contain 0, 3,000, 6,000, 9,000, and 12,000 IU of vitamin A kg-1 of diet. The fish were fed ad libitum. Productive performance, carcass yield, visceral fat, hepatosomatic ratio, carcass chemical composition, hematology blood parameters, and liver histology were evaluated. The quadratic effect was observed on final weight and apparent feed conversion with optimum levels at 6,583 and 5,555 IU of vitamin A kg-1 of feed, respectively. There was no influence of vitamin A supplementation on survival, carcass chemical composition, hematology, and liver histology. The minimum supplementation of 5,555 IU of vitamin A kg-1 of ration is indicated to obtain enhanced results in weight gain and apparent feed conversion in pacu fingerlings.  


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