Chemical composition and apparent digestibility coefficients of dried tomato and "goiaba†pulp by-products by nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
digestibility, Lycopersicum esculentum, Nile tilapia, Psidium guajavaAbstract
This work was undertaken out to determine the apparent digestibility coefficients of dried pulp by-product of tomato and "goiaba†to Nile tilapia (176.80 ± 47.74 g). Fish were fed on peletized diet to apparent satiation. It was utilized a reference diet with approximately 28.36% of crude protein and 4,228.56 kcal of gross energy/kg. In the elaboration of test diets, the evaluated feed replaced 30% of the reference diet. The chromic oxide (0.1%) was utilized as an inert indicator. Faeces were collected by modified Guelph system. The apparent digestibility coefficients of dry matter, gross energy, crude protein, ether extract and total phosphorus were, respectively, 60.27 and 48.46; 70.03 and 66.78%; 36.00 and 58.06%; 46.87 (tomato pulp) and 68.70% and 64.67 and 32.27% ("goiaba†pulp) respectively.
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