Utilization of solid residue from shrimp culture biofloc system for microalgae Navicula sp. Production


  • Jéssika Lima de ABREU Departamento de Pesca e Aquicultura, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco-UFRPE
  • Luis Otavio BRITO Departamento de Pesca e Aquicultura, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco-UFRPE
  • Laenne Barbara Silva de MORAES Departamento de Pesca e Aquicultura, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco-UFRPE
  • Débora Louise Barros SILVA Departamento de Pesca e Aquicultura, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco-UFRPE
  • Sílvia Mariana da Silva BARBOSA Centro de Tecnologia e Geociências, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco- UFPE
  • Alfredo Olivera GÁLVEZ Departamento de Pesca e Aquicultura, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco-UFRPE http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5149-2605




wastewater treatment, microalgae, growth


The objective of this study was to evaluate the growth of microalgae Navicula sp. using solid residue from a biofloc cultivation system as culture medium compared to Conway medium. Two experiments were conducted with and without the addition of trace metals, in which each experiment had five treatments with three replicates each: R0C100 (100% Conway); R25C75 (25% residue and 75% Conway); R50C50 (50% residue and 50% Conway), R75C25 (75% residue and 25% Conway) e R100C0 (100% residue). The cultures were performed in Erlenmeyer flasks of 1 L for 10 days, with full photoperiod and initial innoculum of 5x104 cells ml-1. Daily counts were carried out to monitor the maximum cell density, doubling time and growth rate. The pH and temperature were measured at the beginning and at the end of the experiments. For statistical analysis were used the Cochran, Shapiro Wilk, ANOVA and Tukey (P <0.05) tests. The pH and temperature remained within the cultivation patterns in the two experiments. The culture medium with shrimp culture biofloc residue had similar result to the Conway medium, and displayed satisfactory for the development of microalgae Navicula sp., highlighting that the presence of trace metals has encouraged the growth of the species.


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