
  • Cláudio Rudolfo TURECK Universidade da Região de Joinville -  UNIVILLE, Laboratório de Aquicultura (LAQUA)
  • Claudio Manoel Rodrigues MELO Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC; Laboratório de Moluscos Marinhos (LMM)
  • Carlos Henrique Araujo de Miranda GOMES Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC; Laboratório de Moluscos Marinhos (LMM)
  • Cristiano LAZOSKI Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ, Laboratório de Biodiversidade Genômica -
  • Adriano Weidner Cacciatori MARENZI Universidade do Vale do Itaja-­­ -  UNIVALI
  • João Paulo Ramos FERREIRA Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC; Laboratório de Moluscos Marinhos (LMM)
  • Jaime Fernando FERREIRA Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC; Laboratório de Moluscos Marinhos (LMM)



mangrove oyster, native oyster, Crassostrea talonata, recruitment, cultivation, ostreiculture


The aim of this study was to evaluate oyster seed settlement pattern in artificial collectors affixed along Babitonga Bay (26°28’S í  48°50’W), Santa Catarina state, Brazil. Artificial collectors were installed in the upper tidal range (supralittoral), in the line of intermediate variation of the tide (mesolittoral), and below the limit region of the low tide (infralittoral). A total of 7,579 seeds were obtained over a year, presenting clear variations of quantities and species according to the seasons, depths and collection sites. Among the total number of seeds collected, 284 were submitted to molecular analyses for species identification, among which 5.63% belonged to Crassostrea gasar, 16.9% to C. rhizophorae, 0.35% to C. gigas, 24.29% of Ostrea sp. and 52.81% to C. talonata. Species identification through morphological analysis is difficult because of the inherent polymorphism of shells. Results demonstrate that artificial collectors present a higher performance for the settlement of oyster species inappropriate for farm cultivation (C. talonata and Ostrea sp.). Moreover, C. talonata is an exotic species from Indo-Pacific seas recently confirmed along Brazilian coasts, and it already possesses a high recruitment rate in the estuarine region. This raises environmental and commercial concerns about the maintenance of the natural oyster population in Babitonga Bay.


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